A Conversation About Work-Non Work Balance
We talk A LOT about work life balance at the moment and one key of this is being intentional about separating out work time vs not work time. SO many of my 1:1 clients have very blurry lines - or no lines at all - around what work is and with hybrid flexible working, constant e-mails, multiple time zones and pressures that is no surprise. Not having mental, emotional or physical separation from work often means constant exhaustion and feelings of anxiety and/or pressure. That does not make for a productive time at work or a very nice time away from it.
In this short (20 min-ish) solo episode I share with you some of the strategies and tools that I use with my clients.
Take a listen to hear:
- the 6 steps I recommend if you're looking to increase your focus at work and peace and enjoyment when not working
- the permission you need to create a balance that works FOR YOU
- some tips and tricks around end of day rituals and phones
May these be useful to you and your feeling of life!
Prefer to read? Click here A conversation about work balance