BTS, Gratitude and Community

And just like is the closing episode of the first season of Work Family Me - a series of conversations with me, Maude. In this series of conversations I interviewed intelligent hard hard-working women from India to Sweden to Brazil who have both money-earning jobs out in the world and children at home. We chatted about managing work hours, family finances, domestic chores, childcare, planning and health in a socio-economic structure that places enormous expectations on mothers. 

Listen to this 25 min closing and summary to hear:

- the two why’s behind these interviews

- the BTS around who said no to these conversations

- the 6 themes that emerged as common in contexts where women felt resilient and able

- some questions to reflect on in your life 

Prefer to read? Get the full article here:

I've loved having and sharing the conversations with you. Thank you for speaking to me, thank you for listening. If you have got value from the podcast please review it wherever you listen. 

I'll be interviewing subject matter experts around aspects of (peri)menopause in the next season (launches in March). It's going to be amazing!

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Maude Burger-Smith